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Tuesday, 5 October 2010


in my first media lesson we have learnt about Todorovs Theory. In Todorovs Theory there is always an Equilibrium, Distruption, recognition of disruption and Attempt to repair distruption. This is the theory that this is the normal, conventional way for a story to be. Examples of this is fairytale's who always seem to follow this theory more or less.
We then looked at Propp's Character theory, which was the 8 characters that you should always expect to see within a story. These are:
  1. The Villain
  2. The Donor
  3. The Helper
  4. The Princess or Prize
  5. Her Father
  6. The Dispatcher
  7. The Hero/Victim/Seeker hero
  8. False Hero
How has Study of Narrative Informed my Understanding of how Film is put Together
Now knowing that there is a certain way to stucture a film, it will sometimes better to break away from this theory. for example, Short films like Dipper and Gravity these films should be that adding a twist can add suspense to the storyline and keep the audience gripped throughout. In the film dipper, the audience is made to believe that the main charecter is a bad guy, and this is maintained throughout whole short film until the end where the twist happens and the audience find out the real.

What i have Learnt from this?
I have learnt that a good successful movie needs to have a storyline that keeps the auidience hooked form the start and that here is a certain way to structure a film, doing this will stick to the conventions of movie making, but i have learnt if you break this convention it can make the film better and keep the audience happy.

In have found a diagram that simplifies this:

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