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Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Script For "Absence"

First two shots are cetificate given for the film trailer and the makers of the film. This then flashes to white, then the first scene of the trailer.

First Scene - Shot 3:
School Corridor - am
Ryan, Charlotte and Joe walking down corridor of school to lesson after break.
Ryan: Well I'm not looking forward to this!
Joe: Why not? I don't mind maths.
S.D: Ryan gives Joe a weird look.
Joe: What have you got now Charlotte?
Charlotte: I'm going to the library, look over my notes from last lesson.
Ryan: Why? What's the point?
Charlotte: Cos I value my education...unlike you two!

Second Scene - Shot 4:
School Library - am
Charlotte is in the library looking for a book on History of English Education. Finds a book called History of...
Thinks this is the book, takes it with her.

Third Scene - Shot 5:
Charlotte's Bedroom - pm
Charlotte is on her computer researching the book she got from the library. Finds the school has a hidden past, weird things going on within the school. Camera pans around to get her reaction of what she has just read about her school.

Fourth Scene - Shot 6
History Room - am
Shot of the teacher with a class full of students.Everyone quiet and studying.
Ryan: (whispers to Charlotte) What's up?
Charlotte ignores him.
Joe: (whispers to charlotte) Seriously, what's up?
Charlotte: (shouts) Just leave me alone!
Teacher: That's it you three, DETENTION! After school!

Fifth Scene - Shot 7
Girls Toilets - pm
Charlotte alone in toilets, looking in the mirror. Notices the tap turns on, turns to look at the tap, as she does the lights go off. She goes to turn the lights on, once they are on all the taps are on and running.

Sixth Scene - Shot 8
Detention Room - pm
Charlote, Joe and Ryan in detention, all chattering.
Light goes off. Talking quietens to silence. Light goes on.
Joe: What was that?
Ryan: I...I dunno!

Seventh Scene - Shot 9
In a school corridor - pm
Lights are flickering on and off, Joe and Ryan looking for Charlotte.
Joe: (to Ryan) Where is she?

Eighth Scene - Shot 10
End of the corridor, door to storage room - pm
Ryan's hand opens the doorhandle, pushes door forwards.

Nineth Scene - Shot 11
In a dark room - pm
Charlotte is tied up, lying on the floor. Eyes closed, when camera zooms in for a close-ups, she blinks twice and then opens her eyes. This reveals red eyes into black background.

The final shot is the information about the film, credits, title and other information. Absence is revealed in centre of the screen with the red eyes still in the black. Then other information fades from the back, whislt water-dripping sound in the background.

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