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Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Todays Lesson

In today's lesson I was needed to help record voice overs in the school studio, I had to set up microphones for another group and record there screams and voice overs that would eventually been featured on there film.
I used logic pro and I effects the vocals with compression so they were the same volume throughout and added reverb to stick the with genre of there film so it would add some atmosphere and help the vocals fit in the with the film.
I have shown that I have used my skills in music production to show other students in my media class how to use the recording package.
In today's lesson i have also continued to edit my magazine i have completed the writing and production of the magazine all i have to do now is complete the image that is key feature of my magazine. I have taken a practise shot for the image i want, in the proper image i want Ella to be in the middle of the image and her being tied to a chair.
Here is the original image:
And Here is the edited image

As you can see the top picture is quite bright and the figure in the background is clearly visible and this isn't what i wanted, so i went to the computer and effected the image in photoshop elements this was a quick and easy task to perform, i turned the contrast of the image down and also the brightness, with made the figure in the background less visible like i wanted, this would mean the girl in the red coat would be in the centre of attention for the audience. i think making it darker really worked and fits in with my genre and my portfolio

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