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Monday, 4 April 2011

Photo Editing

Here you can see the original image i have used for my movie poster, you can see i have used the green screen behind all three actors/actress's, i have situated them where i wanted them to stand and have had them look at me and not the camera to make it look more realistic and less staged.

Here you can see the edited image that has been processed through photoshop elements and had been cropped and made the images sharper and darker to remove the green and to make it fit with my genre for dark and to make the red jacket that the lead girl is wearing to stand out more.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Todays Lesson

Today i have continued on my ancillary tasks these being my poster and magazine cover, i have completed my poster after i edited the photos. i am now continuing to complete my movie magazine all that is needed is the picture and im finished.
In todays lesson i have aslso continued with my evaluation, i have completed another 7 slides today's and explained the process that has gone into my poster and magazine.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Evaluation Started...

I am into my third day of my evaluation and i am near completion i have successfully put together a powerpoint that shows everything i have done for my media A2 and have answered the questions provided.
I have manage to create over 20 slides to show how i have gone about the tasks in producing not only and successful trailer but also a movie poster and trailer.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Todays Lesson

In today's lesson I was needed to help record voice overs in the school studio, I had to set up microphones for another group and record there screams and voice overs that would eventually been featured on there film.
I used logic pro and I effects the vocals with compression so they were the same volume throughout and added reverb to stick the with genre of there film so it would add some atmosphere and help the vocals fit in the with the film.
I have shown that I have used my skills in music production to show other students in my media class how to use the recording package.
In today's lesson i have also continued to edit my magazine i have completed the writing and production of the magazine all i have to do now is complete the image that is key feature of my magazine. I have taken a practise shot for the image i want, in the proper image i want Ella to be in the middle of the image and her being tied to a chair.
Here is the original image:
And Here is the edited image

As you can see the top picture is quite bright and the figure in the background is clearly visible and this isn't what i wanted, so i went to the computer and effected the image in photoshop elements this was a quick and easy task to perform, i turned the contrast of the image down and also the brightness, with made the figure in the background less visible like i wanted, this would mean the girl in the red coat would be in the centre of attention for the audience. i think making it darker really worked and fits in with my genre and my portfolio

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Practice Videos

In today's lesson i have started to use the video cameras to practise my shots. I have taken some videos of the locations i am going to use and a shot of the first scene in my trailer. I tried to get to grips with the camera i noticed that when i was filming that even on a glum dark day the camera made shots look really bright and this wouldn't suit my genre of music, i played around with the setting and noticed if i turned down the contrast onto soft and also put the sharpness onto soft this would help me achieve a dark and glum camera shot.

Here is the first scene in the trailer when the characters are introduced, the first video below is the practise video that we did to see how the shot would look and to see if it was right for the film, you can see that i walk down the stairs and past the camera, i did this so we could get an idea of how it would look and if the shot would be easy to re-produce.
The second video below is the proper video and the final shot we filmed to get this scene right, as you can see we have the main characters walking down the stairs with a couple of extras walking past. The characters are talking and the voices are clearly heard.

Here is another practise shot of me walking up the stairs on my own from the previous shot and it will cut to this scene, you can see that the main character will always be in the middle of the screen and that you will be able to see expressions on the faces of the main girl.
The second "real" video is the proper video from the main trailer, you can see that the girl is on here own now, because the two male characters left her and you can see this from the shot above, there is a voice over added to this scene to make it more exciting to the audience and build up the suspense.




Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Production Continued...


We have now finished filming all the scenes for our trailer and have started the editing process, this involves getting all the individual videos into one program (Imovie) and putting them into the arranged sequence that we had drawn up in our screenshots previously. After we had decided this we then made up the times for all our shots were right, we had to use one camera to make our film and when we had the main girl walking through the school we had to stop and start and turn it into one continuous movement.
We have added video effects and transitions to all of videos and have effects such as "fades In's" and "Fades Out" and alot of cut shots.
When we were editing our film we noticed we had the camera wobbling at the start, so we had to cut it out using the cutting tool and refocus the shot, or also do this when someone shouts actions. There are only some scenes in our film which have the original sound and we have muted the music in other scenes so the music we had recorded really comes into play and makes the film quite scary and edgy throughout.
Throughout our trailer there is a voice over, in which i went to the studio to record the lead girl talk over her actions in the trailer, i thought this would be effective as it is stereotypical of the horror genre to have a dramatic voice over and to have a girl annotate over the top. we have made it sound like the girl is still missing or if she has been killed. When we finished the film we exported it in HD and gave the audio 5.1 Dolby surround sound.
The film now completed, the structure of the film starts with the warning screen and with the company logo at the beginning, there is then a shot which clearly identifies the setting to the audience, it is the forecourt of the school which then cuts to the scene of the characters walking down a flight of stairs having a conversation with each other at the end of this scene the two male characters walk off and the camera cuts to the girl walking past the camera with and walking through a door and up another flight of stairs. This all happens in one continuous and swift move without any jumps.  There is then a cut with a few transitions to the girl researching her last lesson in the library, the camera then cuts to the girl in her room on a computer having a look on the internet about the history of her school, she then finds a page on the internet that shocks her and using the audio editing software we have enhanced the gasp she lefts out when she realises something is wrong. The movie then cuts to the girl in the toilets then she is washing her hands and she notices that all the taps have turned themselves on and we get a reaction shot then the hand dryers come on the there own and the lights then turn off. The whole scene is well timed as there is two sets of lights to turn off, one set goes off and she looks up then another set go and she is left in complete darkness.

Ending Credits

I have begun the production on the ending credits, I have created these on imovie on the apple mac's at home, i have added them to the end of the movie where the girl is found in an industrial looking room with appliance's around her. The film title absence fades up up into the view of the audience and everything fades out to black and "October 2011" and the tagline "This one wont go on your record" the website name also comes onto the screen. these end credits are accompanied with music, with is quite sinister and build suspense towards the end, These sounds are like screams and a long gasp. The music we created using the mac software "Logic Pro 8", we imported the film audio and video into logic and effects the original audio to make it stand out more, after we were happy with what had been produced, we started to make the music this started very slow to build up suspense and the got fast towards the end, with the bass drum acting as a heart beat. we added Reverb and Delay on top of the original footage to make it more atmospheric and make the music suit the horror/thriller genre.

Here is the logic pro software, that the music for our film was constructed on, i have included pictures so you can see the individual tracks that we have used we used over 25 tracks. these included rattling chains and screams with heart beats sounds. also in logic we enhanced the sound on our film so the vocals are easily heard throughout. you can see that we have used track automation on our music these is an easy way to make music fade on and fade in, or to make the sound completely stop at certain points, this also can make sounds louder than ours and some quieter than ours. In the second picture you can see where some on the coloured tracks are white, this means that we have muted them. the top line is the vocal line of the trailer, this is where we didnt want any sound or unwanted noise so we muted it and added music over the top.